The association “Les économiques” is running Printemps de l’Économie in Paris from 2 to 5 April. Entitled “Dear growth…” the event will involve a debate on a theme as closer as ever to the heart of current events.

The nine conferences scheduled will be led by well known economics experts and university academics, and will pose the question of the necessity of growth as well as looking at new growth vectors, links between finance and growth, technological progress, sustainable development and competitiveness. They will also pay special attention to the role of training and the increase in healthcare spending.

Note that one of the conferences is organised by the Institut pour l’éducation financière du public (Institute for increasing public awareness of finance - IEFP), one of Cité de l’Économie et de la Monnaie’s partners: Rencontres de l’IEFP (IEFP meetings) will take place on 3 April on the theme: “Is the French economy suffering from financial globalisation?”

For more information on the festival

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Published on 29 March 2013. Updated on 12 May 2021