Test your monetary policy knowledge, the role of national central banks and of the European System of Central Banks with this very fun quiz offered by the Bank of Finland. Moreover, with the game in (rudimentary) English you will also be testing your understanding of Shakespeare’s language as well as of monetary policy issues! Turn up the volume!

Source: Bank of Finland.

Objective: Test your monetary policy knowledge.

Audience: 15+.

Type: Quiz.

Languages: finnish, english.

Each quiz has ten questions randomly selected out of 100. Each right answer wins you 100 points and more if you answer the bonus questions correctly. You can test your knowledge of monetary policy, the role of central banks and the European System of Central Banks. This Bank of Finland game was developed by Juha Tarkka, adviser to the Board of the Bank of Finland.

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Published on 28 July 2011. Updated on 12 September 2019